6 William Deschamps 6 William Deschamps', 'facebookShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;" title="Share on Facebook"> 6 William Deschamps -&url=https://media.momentumvolleyball.ca/player/william-deschamps/', 'twitterShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;" title="Tweet This Post"> 6 William Deschamps', 'pinterestShare', 'width=750,height=350'); return false;" title="Pin This Post"> 6 William Deschamps&BODY=I found this article interesting and thought of sharing it with you. Check it out: https://media.momentumvolleyball.ca/player/william-deschamps/"> 2. Alexander Ignat3. Shaun Shonert4. Andrew Wiebe5. Sam Jansen6. William Deschamps7. Jordan Gazzola8. Noah Halladay9. Dan Lafleur10. Jasraj Nijjar11. Martin Prinsloo12. Dennis Cota13. Alexander Ko14. Robert Kemp15. Anders Say16. Aidan Labossiere17. Alex Dorling18. Josh Flett19. Max Kosciuch20. Richard Housen Nationality CanadaCurrent TeamYorkPast TeamsYork, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, York, YorkLeaguesUSportsSocialNewsTagged PostsNo Tagged Posts