4 Storozhuk, Maxim 4 Storozhuk, Maxim', 'facebookShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;" title="Share on Facebook"> 4 Storozhuk, Maxim -&url=https://media.momentumvolleyball.ca/player/storozhuk-maxim/', 'twitterShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;" title="Tweet This Post"> 4 Storozhuk, Maxim', 'pinterestShare', 'width=750,height=350'); return false;" title="Pin This Post"> 4 Storozhuk, Maxim&BODY=I found this article interesting and thought of sharing it with you. Check it out: https://media.momentumvolleyball.ca/player/storozhuk-maxim/"> 2. Helfrick, James3. Jablonski, Sam4. Storozhuk, Maxim5. van Geel, Zach7. Labun, Peter8. Manuel, Seba11. Taylor, Jack13. Weststrate, Thys16. South, Ashton Nationality CanadaCurrent TeamUBC OkanaganPast TeamsUBC OkanaganLeaguesUSportsSocialNewsTagged PostsNo Tagged Posts