/ 4 years agoInvado Youth Beach Volleyball Leagues
Registration for 2020 has officially opened, so be sure to PICK YOUR CITY & REGISTER YOUR CHILD HERE before all the...
/ 4 years agoInvado Adult Beach Volleyball Leagues
Each year, Invado Volleyball hosts ADULT beach volleyball leagues in several locations around the province of Ontario, and since we...
/ 4 years agoVolleyball BC announces the Beach tour presented By Natura Solutions
Volleyball BC is excited to announce the return of The Beach Tour presented by Natura Solutions—a series of six tournaments held...
/ 4 years agoPop-up Beach Volleyball at JFP
Volleyball Alberta would like to show our appreciation for your spirit and resilience through this difficult time and offer a FREE...
/ 4 years agoLa programmation du Circuit provincial senior de volleyball de plage est désormais complète!
Volleyball Québec est fière d’annoncer que le Circuit provincial senior de volleyball de plage se composera de trois tournois* ainsi que...
/ 4 years ago2021 Youth & Adult Beach Leagues Announced!
Volleyball Manitoba is excited to announce the return of the VM Summer Series Beach League for 2021! Hosted at Sargent Park...
/ 4 years ago2020 Oshawa Leagues Move to TURF in Pickering!
Well, folks…it’s official – COVID-19 has forced Kingsway College to remain unavailable for the Fall Session of 2020. Because a vast...
/ 4 years agoLondon ADULT Leagues – Fall 2020 Update
Hey London ADULT vball lovers! Your fall leagues at Supreme are AVAILABLE NOW and organized with strict COVID-19 safety measures in...
/ 5 years agoJustin Duff Youth & Adult Clinics in London!
Indoor volleyball is coming back to LONDON – complete with all COVID-19 safety protocols in place – and while our adult...