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Looking for Coaches for New Canadians in Volleyball Pilot Project

Volleyball BC is looking for a South Asian Coach (Male/Female) who speaks Punjabi and/or Hindi and a Filipino Coach (Male/Female) who speaks Tagalog and would be willing to coach this newcomer program this summer.

Our vision for Volleyball BC is “Every person in BC can enjoy active living, feel connected to others, and discover their potential through Volleyball.” One of our goals for the organization is to expand our reach so programs, facilities and resources are in place throughout BC to create inclusive and welcoming opportunities for everyone to access. Our Key initiative under this goal is to promote inclusion and diversity in our governance, programs and activities. One of the activities we are undertaking for this key initiative is piloting an introduction to Volleyball program for New Canadians.

We are running a “try-it” session in South Vancouver and then an 8 week structured program in July & August.

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House Location: Gordon Park (Vancouver)

Try-it session: Friday, June 11 3:30-5:00pm
8 week program: Thursdays 1:00-2:30pm

July 8, 15, 22, 26
August 5, 12, 19, 26

All coaches will complete The Sport for Life Newcomer training online, and any other additional training for this program.  This is a paid opportunity.

If you’re interested, please email

Volleyball BC is a non-profit organization who is dedicated to offering programs for athletes across British Columbia. This contributor is part of our Fair Dealing Policy:

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