Dear Volleyball Community,
First, we hope that you are all keeping safe and well in these uncertain times. With government announcements last week identifying the easing of some social restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to provide you with an update as to what this currently means for volleyball.
Although some sports such as golf and tennis are resuming some level of play this week, and non-contact children’s sports may be allowed no earlier than June 1, please be advised that this does not include volleyball. Although volleyball is a non-contact sport in the sense that you do not come into direct contact with your opponent, there are many instances during a game where appropriate distancing can’t be maintained and participants are using the same ball.
Therefore, in following Manitoba Health regulations we will be continuing the suspension of all sanctioned volleyball activities (youth & adult) through to at least June 30, 2020.
In the past week we have had discussions with Volleyball Canada, other volleyball associations from across the country and other sports from within Manitoba about returning to play. Ultimately, we will need to submit a ‘Return to Play’ plan through Sport Manitoba which the health authorities will need to approve before we resume any sanctioned activities. This ‘Return to Play’ plan will need to incorporate all health regulations in place including physical distancing, public gathering sizes, facility considerations, and other sport related protocols that help reduce risk of virus spread.
Recently, Sport Manitoba announced that the 2020 Manitoba Games that were scheduled for Dauphin in August have been postponed and re-scheduled for July 2021. In the coming weeks we will continue to monitor the pandemic situation to determine its effect on other summer programs such as Canada Games and Provincial Team Programs, Beach Volleyball Leagues and Tournaments. These programs may still be delivered later this summer, at least in a modified version or format, if approved by the government.
This is an uncertain time and information continually changes and we are committed to keeping you updated as new information is received. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us – we are here to help you as best as we can.
We are all missing volleyball and want to be on the indoor or beach courts as soon as we can playing the game we love. However, we ask everyone to please continue to support this pause as we play our role in stopping the spread of COVID-19.
Stay safe and take care,
John Blacher, Executive Director
Volleyball Manitoba
Volleyball Manitoba is the governing body for the sport of volleyball across the province of Manitoba. A non-profit organization, Volleyball Manitoba services over 4000 members. Their mission is to promote and facilitate the growth and excellence of volleyball in Manitoba. This contributor is part of our Fair Dealing Policy: