Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of members of Volleyball BC will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at the hour of 7:00 p.m. PDT in an online format.
2021 Annual General Meeting AGENDA:
- Call to order;
- Establishment of quorum;
- Approval of the agenda;
- Approval of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (June 20, 2020);
- Presentation of reports;
- Financial report;
- Appointment of Auditors;
- Election of new Directors; and
- Adjournment.
For those members looking to attend the online AGM, please register through the event link HERE.
Please note that you must be a full registered member of Volleyball BC on May 19, 2021 (or earlier), in order to vote at the AGM. If you are not currently a member and wish to join, please click here.
- After activating the account, log-in and then select register/renew.
- Purchase Volleyball BC General Membership
Call for Nominations: VBC Directors 2021
Volleyball BC is a non-profit organization that actively encourages participation and fosters the development of volleyball in BC. As the provincial sport governing body, we are dedicated to making volleyball accessible to all British Columbians. Volleyball BC offers programs for athletes of all ages ranging from grassroots to high performance, as well as coaches and officials.
We are seeking candidates for 4 vacancies on the VBC Board of Directors:
- President (2 year term) – responsible for the general supervision of the affairs and operations of the Society, chairs meetings and acts as the official spokesperson of the Society
- Treasurer (2 year term) – responsible for the Society’s financial records, filings, annual budget, and preparation of the yearly financial statements.
- 2 Members-at-Large (2 year term)
Each year Volleyball BC assesses the skills that it requires for the Board and seeks to fill positions based on this needs assessment. On occasion, some prospective Board members have first served on a Committee or Working Group to determine whether they wish to become more involved with Volleyball BC. Therefore, we also welcome all expressions of interest for involvement on our Committees which can be found listed here.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for the VBC Board of Directors by completing the application form and submitting a one-page bio and summary of experience to the President of Volleyball BC at by 5:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, May 21, 2021.
The HR and Governance Committee will review all nominations and communicate them to members in advance of the 2021 Annual General Meeting in June.
Volleyball BC is a non-profit organization who is dedicated to offering programs for athletes across British Columbia. This contributor is part of our Fair Dealing Policy: