2 Michael Flor, John 2 Michael Flor, John', 'facebookShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;" title="Share on Facebook"> 2 Michael Flor, John -&url=https://media.momentumvolleyball.ca/player/michael-flor-john/', 'twitterShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;" title="Tweet This Post"> 2 Michael Flor, John', 'pinterestShare', 'width=750,height=350'); return false;" title="Pin This Post"> 2 Michael Flor, John&BODY=I found this article interesting and thought of sharing it with you. Check it out: https://media.momentumvolleyball.ca/player/michael-flor-john/"> 1. Love, J.J.2. Michael Flor, John3. Droppert, Jonathan5. Bryant, Chris8. Fisher, Kale12. Chen, Samuel13. Pauls, Liam14. Friesen, Tom15. Lauter, Philipp17. Grusing, Riley20. Torz, Keon Nationality CanadaCurrent TeamBrandonPast TeamsBrock, Brandon, Brandon, BrandonLeaguesUSportsSocialNewsTagged PostsNo Tagged Posts