Volleyball Manitoba welcomes Danielle Tabak as Manager of Communications and Special Events. Danielle started on February 16 filling this role that includes social media and communication management, fundraising programs such as Super-Spike and our Online Auction, management of events including our annual banquets along with referee development support and club coach screening and certification compliance.
Danielle is an avid player, competing in both the Winnipeg Women’s and Coed Volleyball Leagues and also plays in the Volleyball Manitoba Beach Leagues in the summers. Danielle graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2017 with a Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development degree. She has gained experience over the past several years through working at the Winnipeg Airport, The Beach Volleyball Centre and has previously been involved with Super-Spike and Sport Manitoba in marketing roles.
Danielle can be reached by email Here.
Danielle replaces Adam DeJonckheere who recently left the Volleyball Manitoba staff to pursue another employment opportunity. We wish Adam the best of luck and look forward to his continued involvement with our sport.
This article is shared as part of our Fair Dealing Policy. For the original article, please visit: https://volleyballmanitoba.ca/staffing-announcement/
Volleyball Manitoba is the governing body for the sport of volleyball across the province of Manitoba. A non-profit organization, Volleyball Manitoba services over 4000 members. Their mission is to promote and facilitate the growth and excellence of volleyball in Manitoba. This contributor is part of our Fair Dealing Policy: https://media.momentumvolleyball.ca/fair-dealing-policy/